NAEVR Supports Statement of Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research on Retirement of NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins

(Washington, DC) Today, the National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (NAEVR) supported the statement of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research that recognizes Francis Collins, MD, PhD on his decision to retire as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at the end of the year and return to his lab at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). The Ad Hoc Group statement reads as follows:

“The Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research congratulates Dr. Collins for over a decade of successful leadership of the NIH and his decades of ongoing public service, the legacy of which will endure long after he steps down as NIH director at the end of the year.

Both as a result of Dr. Collins’ own research over the course of his career and his visionary leadership at the helm of the NIH, the promise of better health for hundreds of millions of people is a reality. From his seminal work overseeing the project to map the human genome to NIH’s role in driving groundbreaking and interdisciplinary research on pressing public health issues, including COVID-19, the opioid epidemic, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and countless other conditions, his leadership has changed the trajectory of medicine and history toward a future where science can better conquer illness and disease.

In addition to his unimpeachable scientific credentials, Dr. Collins’ tenure as NIH Director will be celebrated for his tireless commitment to support the next generation of scientists, promote a diverse and inclusive workforce, and inspire bright minds to pursue careers in medical research. His ability to communicate with ease both with scientific experts and the general public has been instrumental in making NIH’s work more accessible to laypeople and in driving enthusiasm for the potential that the federal investment in medical research holds. This unique combination of scientific acumen, integrity, leadership, and communication has earned him deep, bipartisan respect among Members of Congress, the scientific community, and people around the globe.

Among the hallmarks of Dr. Collins’ time as director of NIH has been assembling a strong leadership team at the Agency. We are committed to working with the team at NIH through the transition and as a successor is identified to build on Dr. Collins’ strong, game-changing legacy.”  

Mr. Jorkasky added that Dr. Collins appointed Michael Chiang, MD as NEI Director in 2020.

The National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (NAEVR) is a 501(c)4 non-profit advocacy coalition comprised of 55 professional, consumer, and industry organizations involved in eye and vision research. Visit the Web site at