Administration Releases Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Request

On March 28, the Biden Administration released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget request. The proposal includes a total of $62.5 billion in discretionary and mandatory funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This includes discretionary spending of $50.5 billion which includes $45.3 billion for NIH ($279 million increase over FY22 enacted), and $5 billion for the newly created Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)* ($4 billion increase over FY22 enacted). Additional mandatory spending of $12 billion is included for pandemic preparedness.

Due to the timing of the FY22 budget being passed by Congress on March 10, the Administration used FY22 Continuing Resolution (CR) funding to base their requests for FY23. This results in the President’s budget including increases across all NIH institutes from the FY21 enacted levels, however, it reflects a decrease in 11 of the 21 Institutes when compared to the newly enacted FY22 budget.

With respect to the National Eye Institute (NEI), the President’s budget proposes a funding level of $853,355,000. This represents an increase of $17.6 million over the baseline FY22 CR level, or $20.3 million over the FY21 enacted level (2.4% increase). With Congress enacting $864 million in FY22, the President’s budget reflects a decrease of $10,563,000 (- 1.2%) from the final FY22 enacted level.

NEI’s FY23 Congressional Justification

HHS Budget in Brief – NIH details are included on pages 53-60

*Note: APRA-H is included in the FY23 NIH budget; however, the Administration has not yet announced its intention to move the Agency from Health and Human Services (HHS) to NIH. This is required by the FY22 Omnibus within 30 days of passage and a decision is considered imminent.

NAEVR has issued a statement on the President's budget request.